View CLG: Headache disorder

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Q: 什么是头痛 疾病? 它有哪些类型?

1. 原发性头痛:这些不是由其他医疗条件引起的,包括:
• 偏头痛:特点是中等到严重的跳动痛,常伴有恶心、呕吐以及对光和声音敏感。偏头痛可以持续数小时至数天。
• 紧张型头痛:最常见的原发性头痛类型,表现为轻度到中度的疼痛,感觉像头部被紧紧包围。
• 簇状头痛:极度疼痛的头痛,呈成簇或周期出现。这种头痛以严重的烧灼感和刺痛为特点,通常发生在一只眼周围,可能伴有眼红和鼻塞。

2. 继发性头痛:这些是另一种潜在医疗状况的症状。例如:
• 因头部受伤引起的头痛:头部创伤后的疼痛。
• 鼻窦头痛:与鼻窦炎症(鼻窦炎)相关。
• 药物过量使用头痛:由于频繁使用头痛药物引起的。


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Q: What is Headache disorder and its types?
Headache disorder encompasses a range of conditions that involve pain in the head, face, or neck. It is a common ailment that can affect individuals of any age. Headaches are broadly categorized into primary and secondary headaches:

1. Primary Headaches: These are not caused by another medical condition and include:
• Migraine: Characterized by moderate to severe pulsating pain, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines can last for hours to days.
• Tension-type Headache (TTH): The most common type of primary headache, presenting as a mild to moderate pain that feels like a tight band around the head.
• Cluster Headaches: Extremely painful headaches that occur in clusters or cycles. These are marked by severe burning and piercing pain, often around one eye, and can be accompanied by eye redness and nasal congestion.

2. Secondary Headaches: These are symptoms of another underlying medical condition. Examples include:
• Headaches due to head injury: Pain following a head trauma.
• Sinus Headaches: Associated with inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis).
• Medication Overuse Headaches: Caused by frequent use of headache medication.

Each type of headache has specific characteristics and triggers, and the treatment approach varies accordingly.

ID: g9375200
Type: aiknowledge
UMLS CUI: C0393735
Status: shared
Created: 2024-05-31
By: aj_elhsi_org
Updated: 2024-09-16
By: aj_elhsi_org

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