View CLG: Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies

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Q: 什么是特发性炎性肌病? 它有哪些类型?

1. 皮肌炎(DM):这种类型涉及肌肉无力以及独特的皮肤皮疹。
2. 多发性肌炎(PM):这涉及肌肉炎症和无力,但没有皮肌炎特有的皮肤皮疹。
3. 包涵体肌炎(IBM):这种类型导致肌肉无力和消耗进展,通常与肌细胞内形成包涵体相关。
4. 坏死性自身免疫肌病(NAM):其特点是严重的肌肉无力和没有显著炎症的肌细胞死亡的证据。
5. 少儿肌炎(JM):这种类型影响儿童,通常包括皮肌炎或多发性肌炎中见到的症状。


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Q: What are the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies? Their types?
Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM) are a group of diseases characterized by inflammation of the muscles, which can cause muscle weakness and damage. The exact cause of these disorders is unknown, which is why they are termed "idiopathic." These conditions are also considered autoimmune diseases, where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissues.

The main types of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies include:
1. Dermatomyositis (DM): This type involves muscle weakness along with a distinctive skin rash.
2. Polymyositis (PM): This involves inflammation and weakness in the muscles but without the skin rash characteristic of dermatomyositis.
3. Inclusion body myositis (IBM): This type leads to progressive muscle weakness and wasting, and it is often associated with the formation of inclusion bodies within the muscle cells.
4. Necrotizing autoimmune myopathy (NAM): This is characterized by severe muscle weakness and evidence of muscle cell death without significant inflammation.
5. Juvenile myositis (JM): This type affects children and often includes symptoms seen in dermatomyositis or polymyositis.

Each type of IIM has distinct features and may require different treatment approaches.

ID: g3778937
Type: aiknowledge
UMLS CUI: C0751356
Status: shared
Created: 2024-06-01
By: aj_elhsi_org
Updated: 2024-09-16
By: aj_elhsi_org

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