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Q: 什么是CARASIL 综合症?
CARASIL 综合症(脑小血管疾病,常伴有皮层下梗死和白质脑病)是一种罕见的遗传性疾病,影响脑部的小血管。它是由 HTRA1 基因突变引起的遗传性疾病。该综合征的特征是早发性中风、进行性痴呆、过早脱发和脊椎盘突出。症状通常在成年早期开始,随着时间的推移病情逐渐恶化。诊断通常基于临床表现、家族病史和基因检测。
Q: 鉴别诊断CARASIL综合征需要什么患者数据?包括症状、病史、体查、诊断检查等。
1. 症状: 评估诸如进行性痴呆、情绪障碍、行走困难和类似中风的发作等症状。早发秃顶和由于脊柱关节炎引起的急性背痛也可能出现。
2. 病史: 记录家族病史非常重要,特别是注意任何有类似症状或已知遗传疾病的亲属。由于CARASIL是常染色体隐性遗传,即使父母未表现出症状,他们也必须都携带一个突变基因。
3. 体格检查: 进行神经系统检查,评估精神状态、肌肉力量、反射、协调能力及其他神经系统受损的迹象。
4. 诊断测试:
• 磁共振成像(MRI): 检测小血管病、多发性腔隙性梗塞和特征性的白质改变。
• 基因检测: 确认HTRA1基因突变,这对确诊至关重要。
• 皮肤活检: 通过电子显微镜检查皮肤活检样本,可以发现胶原蛋白和弹性纤维的变化,支持诊断。
5. 其他相关测试: 血液测试以排除可能模仿CARASIL症状的其他条件,如其他形式的血管炎或代谢性疾病。


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Q: What is CARASIL Syndrome?
CARASIL Syndrome (Cerebral Autosomal Recessive Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy) is a rare genetic disorder that affects the small blood vessels in the brain. It is an inherited condition caused by mutations in the HTRA1 gene. This syndrome is characterized by early-onset stroke, progressive dementia, premature balding, and spinal disc herniation. Symptoms usually begin in early adulthood, and the condition progressively worsens over time. Diagnosis is often based on clinical findings, family history, and genetic testing.
Q: What patient information and test results, including symptoms, medical history, physical exams, and diagnostic tests, are required to differentially diagnose CARASIL Syndrome?
To differentially diagnose CARASIL Syndrome (Cerebral Autosomal Recessive Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy), a detailed and specific set of patient information and test results are required, including:
1. Symptoms: Assessment of symptoms such as progressive dementia, mood disturbances, gait difficulties, and stroke-like episodes. Early baldness and acute back pain due to spondylosis may also be present.
2. Medical History: It's important to document a family history, particularly noting any relatives with similar symptoms or known genetic disorders. Since CARASIL is autosomal recessive, both parents must carry a mutation even if they are not affected.
3. Physical Exams: A neurological examination to assess mental status, muscle strength, reflexes, coordination, and other signs of neurological impairment.
4. Diagnostic Tests:
• MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): To detect signs of small vessel disease, multiple lacunar infarcts, and changes in the white matter that are characteristic of CARASIL.
• Genetic Testing: Identification of mutations in the HTRA1 gene, which is essential for confirming the diagnosis.
• Skin Biopsy: Examination of a skin biopsy under electron microscopy can reveal changes in the collagen and elastic fibers, supporting the diagnosis.
5. Other Relevant Tests: Blood tests to rule out other conditions that may mimic the symptoms of CARASIL, such as other forms of vasculitis or metabolic disorders.

These comprehensive assessments help in distinguishing CARASIL from other similar neurological conditions, ensuring an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management.

ID: g8820486
Type: aiknowledge
UMLS CUI: C1838577
Status: shared
Created: 2024-06-01
By: aj_elhsi_org
Updated: 2024-09-16
By: aj_elhsi_org

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