View CLG: Cerebral small vessel disease

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Q: 什么是 x 疾病? 它有哪些类型?

1. 腔隙性中风:当供应大脑深部结构的小动脉之一被堵塞时,会导致大脑深层白质小区域的中风。
2. 白质病变:在MRI扫描中通常表现为大脑白质中高强度区域,这些病变与中风、痴呆和认知功能下降的风险更高。
3. 脑微出血:在MRI上可见的小点状血液泄漏,通常由小血管变化引起,与年龄增长、高血压和其他血管风险因素有关。


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Q: What is cerebral small vessel disease? Its types?
Cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) refers to a range of conditions that affect the small arteries, capillaries, and veins in the brain. It is a common cause of stroke and dementia, particularly in older adults, and can lead to significant changes in white matter and deep brain structures. The effects of SVD can impair cognitive function, mobility, and overall neurological health.

The main types of cerebral small vessel disease include:
1. Lacunar Strokes: These occur when one of the small arteries supplying deep structures of the brain becomes blocked, leading to small areas of stroke in the brain’s deep white matter.
2. White Matter Lesions: Often seen on MRI scans as areas of high intensity in the brain's white matter, these lesions are associated with a higher risk of stroke, dementia, and a decline in cognitive function.
3. Cerebral Microbleeds: Small dots of blood leakage visible on MRI that are typically caused by changes in the small blood vessels and are associated with increasing age, hypertension, and other vascular risk factors.

Each type of SVD has different implications for treatment and management, emphasizing the importance of risk factor control, such as managing hypertension, diabetes, and other cardiovascular risks.

ID: g4776210
Type: aiknowledge
UMLS CUI: C2733158
Status: shared
Created: 2024-06-01
By: aj_elhsi_org
Updated: 2024-09-16
By: aj_elhsi_org

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